Tax advice on moving expenses

Moving expenses tax deductible

Did you know that moving expenses in Germany can also be claimed from the tax office for a privately caused move? So it’s no longer just for a job-related move? So be sure to include the costs for your professional move with Geuer in your tax return and get good money back.

Deductible up to € 600 maximum (2020)

According to the current law for the fiscal promotion of growth and employment, removals by private individuals are a household-related service. These can be taken into account for tax purposes up to a sum of € 3,000.00 at 20 percent of the invoice total.

Thus, in the case of a move for € 3,000, € 600 can be deducted from the personal income tax of the person moving. However, this rule only applies to the actual labor costs. Expenses for packing material or machine use are explicitly excluded from this possibility.

The regulation is retroactive to January 1, 2006. The condition for tax deductibility is the submission of a proper invoice, proof of payment to the account of the moving company, and no other assumption of costs by employers, authorities or the like.

Tips and information for the tax return (PDF 435KB)