Your career at Geuer International

Go your way with Geuer

As a healthy, growing, medium-sized company, we consider the satisfaction of our employees to be an important component of our success. Whether training, job offers, internships, dual studies – we want to retain good employees with loyalty and fairness. We see the responsibility for this absolutely in our mutual interest.

We offer good training

To ensure the quality of our services also for the future is a special concern of GEUER INTERNATIONAL GmbH. In a constantly growing company, we offer you the best conditions to settle in and develop in the professional world.

Our trainees have been awarded several times as best of the year by the Verband Verkehrswirtschaft und Logistik NRW, the IHK Nord Westfalen and the AMÖ e.V.. As a rule, there are always about 15 trainees employed in our company.

Ausbildung Münster Jobanzeige


We are hiring.

Below you will find a list of apprenticeships in our company. In addition, we are always looking for motivated personnel. No matter whether in the commercial or industrial area. Please feel free to contact us.


Ausbildung als Fachkraft für Möbel-, Küchen- und Umzugsservice (m,w,d)

Ausbildung als Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik (m,w,d)

Ausbildung als Berufskraftfahrer/in (m,w,d)


Ausbildung als Kauffrau/-mann für Spedition und Logistikdienstleistungen (m,w,d)

Ausbildung als Kauffrau/-mann für Büromanagement (m,w,d)


Servicekräfte für Umzüge

Mail applications and inquiries to:

We are always looking for moving helpers. Please contact Mr. Schepers at short notice under the following telephone number

Tel: 02536331622